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Oral Cancer Myths

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Oral Cancer MythsNo one likes to hear the word cancer. Just saying the word “cancer” invokes images of sickness and fear. While no one likes to hear the word cancer, having the right information is critical for you and your family. If you have cancer, you need to know so that you can seek treatment. If you don't have cancer, you also need to know, so that you can feel relief. Here are some of the most common myths about oral cancer.

Bumps in Your Mouth Are Always Cancer

As adults get older, they may experience bumps in their mouths. While your mind might automatically jump to the word cancer, many bumps are not cancerous. For example, you may have an infection, or you may have excess calcium creating a hard bump in your soft palate. If you do feel a lump or a bump in your mouth, have a dentist check them to make sure they are not cancerous.

Only Smokers Get Oral Cancer

The risk of oral cancer is indeed increased for people who smoke or chew tobacco. However, it is not true that only people who smoke and dip get cancer. That's why it's so important that you have strange lumps and bumps checked out by the dentist.

Dentists Can't Spot Oral Cancer Until it is Advanced

Dentists can spot oral cancer quickly, even in the early stages. There are diagnostic tools dentists can use to diagnose oral cancer. For example, there is a test that is quite simple for dentists to do. You swish a blue liquid around in your mouth and spit it out. The dentist uses a special light to see if anything in your mouth lights up. Oral cancer tends to shine white using this test. Dentists can also use cameras, photos, and x-rays to search for cancer. The more quickly a dentist can use diagnostic tools, the more quickly they can determine if you need treatment.