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Pregnancy dental care tips

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Pregnancy dental care tipsManaging your diet, routine and environment is crucial for pregnant women. However, dental health is a major consideration that should be in every woman's mind, especially during pregnancy. Dentistry and pregnancy go hand in hand. This is because pregnancy comes with different hormonal changes that can lead to serious dental problems. This might place the unborn baby and the mother at risk during this precious period. Therefore, pregnant mothers should follow the following tips and rules for an easy period.

Watch out for gingivitis

Making regular dental visits does not mean that you do not watch out for onsets of gum diseases. Increases in blood flow and uneven hormonal changes might lead to pregnancy gingivitis. The germs in this instance attack the gums and potentially enter the bloodstream

Postpone X-rays

Dental X-rays might be good but during this period they are not safe. Therefore, talk to your dentist and postpone any X-ray sessions until the baby is born.

Protect your mouth from morning sickness

In case you have morning sickness, you are advised to rinse your mouth with a teaspoon of baking soda. Mix the teaspoon with water to keep your teeth protected from acids.

Snack smart

Finally, choose healthy foods. Vegetables, cheese, and yogurt will be very healthy during this moment. Resist the urge to eat snacks often since this can lead to tooth decay.

Visit the dentist

For every pregnant mother, the dentist should be their best friend. The development of the baby inside the womb makes dental visits important for the mother and the unborn child. Some women, however, might be tempted to skip dental visits for fear of harming the unborn child. This is not right! This decision might put the unborn baby at risk. Hormonal changes that occur during this period might put the mother at risk of contracting gum-related diseases. These infections might potentially affect the baby. The worst case is a miscarriage or premature birth. For optimal oral health, it is important to visit the dentist. This might help to combat any issues before the pregnancy and during the pregnancy. Our offices are open to pregnant mothers, children, or anyone for checkups and additional information.