Discovering a lump or hard spot in your mouth can be terrifying, and most people rush to think they might have oral cancer. While cancer is one reason for having lumps in your mouth, there are many other causes as well. The causes of some lumps in your mouth can be treated, with others needing no treatment. However, given its potential to be a cancerous growth, it is crucial that you set up an appointment with our offices. We will do an oral cancer screening and determine the cause of the lumps. You must watch out for several things if you notice a lump in your mouth.
Warning Signs To Look For
Start by understanding that anyone can develop oral cancer regardless of their health status or age. HPV is the leading cause of oral cancer. You do not have to be a smoker or have a history of cancer to develop oral cancer. If you start experiencing any signs of oral cancer, it is imperative to get in touch with us immediately.
Some signs you should watch out for include a numb tongue, ear pain, bleeding sores in the mouth, and difficulty chewing or swallowing. Keep in mind that these signs may vary depending on the specific condition you have. You should seek immediate medical attention because waiting too long worsens the condition. When you come to our offices, our professionals will examine you to determine the cause of your lump. It is vital to note that early diagnosis and treatment are essential for the best results.
Seek Dental Advice From Trusted Professionals
Discovering a lump in your mouth can be alarming, but there are many causes. This is why it is crucial to be sure before jumping to conclusions. While it could be a sign of a serious health condition, it could also be a minor oral health problem that we can treat easily. Either way, our professionals will carefully assess them and decide the best way forward. Visit our offices for more information on dental lumps and their possible causes.