Accidents can happen at any time, and if you experience a fall, you might be liable to experience a number of injuries. One of the most troubling could be jaw pain, as there often won't be any external signs of a problem. If you experience jaw pain after a fall, a trip to the oral surgeon might be in order. If your injury is severe, you may need jaw surgery in order to correct it.
Jaw Surgery Basics
Jaw surgery might be required if the jawbone is broken or if damage has occurred to its joints. Jaw surgery can be reconstructive in nature if you were born with some type of deformity or developmental issue, or it can be corrected to fix a problem that resulted from an injury. In addition to problems with jaw pain, jaw surgery might be useful in correcting misaligned bites to put your jaws into better alignment.
If your jaw was damaged or misaligned as a result of a fall, it can be extremely uncomfortable and problematic for your oral health. Misaligned jawbones and damaged joints can significantly impact the movement of your mouth, and in certain cases, it can impede the way your mouth works altogether.
During Your Treatment
During your procedure, your oral surgeon will work hard to keep you comfortable by administering medications that have both sedative and pain relief benefits. This can help you to stay comfortable throughout the experience. After your treatment, you'll be given instructions how to best care for your mouth, and if needed, you'll also be prescribed medications to relieve your pain.
If you experienced a fall and suffered an injury to your jaw, contact our office to set up an appointment. You don't have to live with jaw pain, as there are a number of treatment options available to help.