Facial injuries can happen as a result of a variety of different instances - a car accident, falling, playing sports. When confronted with a facial injury that requires surgery, dental surgery produces the best results.
Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are experts in treating and repairing all types of facial injuries. They are well versed in the structures surrounding the mouth, as well as any emergency care, reconstruction and rehabilitation needed.
Types of Facial Injuries
There are several types of facial injuries, including:
Lacerations to the face and mouth.
Knocked out teeth.
Fractured facial bones (cheeks, nose, eyes).
Fractured jaw.
These injuries require the right care to ensure proper healing.
Soft Tissue
Soft tissue damage (cheeks, tongue, gums) requires sutures to ensure that the tissues reattach correctly. Injuries to the soft tissue can have an effect on the nerves lying within as well as salivary glands and ducts. An oral surgeon will be able to check these areas to make sure that the nerves and glands aren't damaged or that the ducts aren't blocked.
Knocked out teeth need to be addressed as soon as possible. They can be preserved in milk until you can get to the dentist, but the issue shouldn't wait for long, especially if other injuries are involved. An oral surgeon can treat any fractures in the supporting bone as well as replant the missing teeth, giving them the best chance of being saved.
Broken bones need to be set. A maxillofacial surgeon can ensure that this is done properly. Wires or plates and screws can be used to hold your jaw, or other facial bones, in place, stabilizing them and allowing them to heal. The location of the injury (jaw, cheekbone, etc.) as well as the surgeon's opinion determines which material (wires or plates) is to be used, producing the best possible outcome.
Oral and maxillofacial surgery is the best option following a facial injury. Dental surgery ensures not only proper healing, but will also produce the best cosmetic outcome.
Please contact us if you need restoration dentistry after suffering a facial injury!