Whether from periodontal disease, brushing your teeth too hard or just bad genetics, gum recession can cause several oral health issues. As your gums recede, the roots of your teeth become exposed, leaving you susceptible to sensitivity.
Your teeth are more susceptible to tooth decay and your chances of infection in your gums and jawbone greatly increase. In order to fix severely receding gums, a gum graft is necessary.
What is a Gum Graft?
A gum graft is a surgical procedure that takes tissue from one area of your mouth and attaches it over the teeth that have suffered gum recession. The most common types of gum grafts use tissue from the roof of your mouth. A free gingival graft uses the tissue directly from the roof of your mouth.
This procedure can often be painful, as it leaves an open wound while it heals. There is an alternative, however, that can greatly reduce the amount of pain you might experience after the procedure.
Connective-Tissue Graft
A connective-tissue graft is similar to a free gingival graft in that it uses tissue from the roof of your mouth. However, instead of simply removing tissue directly from the surface, a small incision is made and the tissue from under the flap is used. After the tissue is stitched to the gums over your exposed teeth, the flap is stitched closed, covering the wound.
Your surgeon will use at least a local anesthetic to make you comfortable during your procedure, ensuring that you don't feel any pain. After your procedure, you can use over the counter pain medications to help ease any pain. Taking some before your anesthetic wears off can prevent serious pain, which usually peaks about 4 to 6 hours after.
Limiting your activities during the first few days and avoiding any that are too strenuous can also help. Eat a nutritious diet of soft foods. Don't brush or floss the area until the has healed, which could take at least one to two weeks.
With a connective-tissue gum graft and following your surgeon's directions while you heal, you can get through the gum graft process with little to no pain. If you have suffered severe gum recession, contact our office today for more information.