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Post-Operative Instructions: Biopsy


  • Alternate between taking ibuprofen (Advil®, Motrin®) and acetaminophen (Tylenol®) every three hours. Begin with taking 600mg of ibuprofen and take 500mg of acetaminophen three hours later. Maintain this schedule so each medication is taken on its own six-hour schedule.
  • If you received a stronger pain medication, take as directed in addition to ibuprofen and acetaminophen.
  • Take note of the medication taken, dosage, and time taken to limit confusion.
  • Take ibuprofen as soon as possible after your procedure.


  • Unless otherwise directed, your stitches will dissolve on their own in about a week. However, if they fall out before or after a week has passed, that is normal and no need for concern.
  • Use Vaseline® to keep stitches near your lips moist and reduce any irritation.


  • Do not consume spicy or acidic foods and drinks.
  • Numbness may persist following the procedure. Be mindful when eating or drinking to avoid reinjuring the area.


  • Swelling may increase within 48 hours after your surgery. It typically peaks around day three before tapering off over the following week.

Oral Hygiene

  • Do not smoke.
  • Resume your normal oral hygiene routines (brushing, flossing, etc.) after your procedure.
  • 24 hours after your procedure, use a gentle warm salt water rinse and continue this for a week (seven days). If you received a medicated mouth rinse, use twice a day in the morning and evening, beginning 24 hours after your procedure, or as directed.


  • Take any prescribed antibiotics until the treatment is complete.


  • Avoid strenuous activities after your procedure. Gradually increase only as your comfort level increases.